Polestar, the renowned Swedish automaker, is contemplating the advancement of its Synergy concept, initially introduced as a “fantasy supercar” during the annual design contest in September. Despite its initial classification as a show car with no production plans, Maximillian Missoni, Polestar’s Head of Design, expresses a growing interest in elevating the concept to a tangible and thrilling reality.
Vision for Development
Missoni recognizes the buzz generated by the Synergy concept, stating, “I’m not saying we’d do this, but we’d like to do this.” This hints at the potential excitement such a model could bring to the Polestar brand. He underscores the competence of Polestar’s engineering team and their capability to transform this vision into a live, low-volume supercar, showcasing the brand’s innovative prowess.
Engineering Confidence
Highlighting the prowess of Polestar’s U.K. engineering team, responsible for the architecture of upcoming models like Polestar 5 and 6, Missoni expresses confidence in the creation of a distinct monocoque for the Synergy concept. Despite the challenges, he finds it “exciting and inspiring” to explore the unique direction the brand could take in crafting a captivating and exclusive supercar.
Synergy Concept Details
The Synergy concept, a collaborative effort from three design teams selected through the 2022 Polestar Design Contest, stands tall at 42.1 inches and spans 179.5 inches in length. Conceived as an all-electric supercar, Missoni’s comments suggest Polestar’s willingness to delve into the realm of thrilling, driver-centric vehicles, building on the success of their Polestar 1 model.
Production Considerations
While concrete production plans are yet to be established, Polestar recognizes the Synergy concept’s potential, especially its visual appeal. The company is actively exploring avenues to transform this concept into a tangible project, with the added excitement of the Synergy being commemorated as a Hot Wheels toy, marking the beginning of a promising partnership between Polestar and Mattel.